The Hermetic maxim states: As above, so below; as within, so without; as the universe, so the soul. It evolved from the details of the Emerald Tablet, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes was considered "thrice great", for having attained knowledge of Alchemy (the operation of the Sun), Astrology (the operation of the stars), and Theurgy/Divine Magic (the operation of the gods). The correlation between the sky's major transits, and the impact on the individual can be referred to as "spiritual alchemy".
Astrology, the operation of the stars, works with the horoscope, a symbol of transformation. The horoscope in Western Astrology is a mandala, a circle, a whole. Wholeness is an integrating principle in the process of individuation, and wholeness begins with the inner exploration of the personality vis-a-vis the soul in relation to spirit. The Hermetic Formulary addresses wholeness this way: body, soul, and spirit=Ascendant, Moon, Sun. The message is clear: Be whole, be well, and allow your essence to bring forth spirit. The quiet journey inward inspires, expands life force energy, and increases harmony with the Divine. Harmony generates truth, beauty, and goodness which can then be taken out into the world. This wholeness is the aim of the life altering energies of the planets, on both the personality and the soul levels. We are living in the swirl of an evolutionary agenda. The transcendent structures are taking shape, requiring everyone to bringing their whole, coherent self forward for the good of humanity.